
When life makes you deal with mean and hateful people think of them as sand paper, they may scratch you, they may rub you in the wrong way but eventually you will be polished and smooth and the sandpaper will be worn and ugly.
The Fighting Temptations (film)

Comic Relief 2011

Messy games, children and teachers = chaos

Introducing Bob!

Bob is an 18month old yorkshire terrier. We've adopted him from a family that can no longer give him the time and attention he needs.
It all feels a bit surreal. I can't actually believe we own a dog. Luckily he comes house trained otherwise I think we'd be in for a shock. Our lives are going to have to change a lot to make space for this little bundle of fur. I'd never realised how beautiful dogs were before - sounds daft I know - or how each has their own personality. He's lovely to come home too, bouncing around to say hi and I already love the routine that walking him brings. Got lots to learn tho - yet another new beginning to an adventure!

Exploring Bristol

New town, new people, new adventure! I love exploring places, the sense of the unknown, picking up the atmosphere, working out how to get from one place to another. Watching it unfold as I get to know it. Bristol's big, new and different from other places that I've lived and the exploring has only just begun. 

Uh oh, Penevski Place will never be quiet again! ;)

Macedonian Christmas

When the rest of England has packed away their Christmas decorations and taken down their cards ours are still up. Our tree lights still twinkle at people as they walk down the street, our cards remind us of people we love and who love us and the house smells of macedonian food. In Macedonia Christmas is on the 6th January, it doesn't have any of the hype of Christmas in the western world. It's simple, uncomplicated and has but one aim - to celebrate the birth of King Jesus. There's no pile of gifts, cupboards stocked high with food or endless parties. There's church, family and God, a simple coming together of God's people to celebrate the birth of a baby that will change the world.
This year we celebrated Macedonian Christmas with new friends, another part of God's family. A chance to chat, celebrate and getting to know each other knowing that we're united by a King!

New Beginnings

Today I was commissioned! Let the adventure begin!
'Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end'