
Macedonian Christmas

When the rest of England has packed away their Christmas decorations and taken down their cards ours are still up. Our tree lights still twinkle at people as they walk down the street, our cards remind us of people we love and who love us and the house smells of macedonian food. In Macedonia Christmas is on the 6th January, it doesn't have any of the hype of Christmas in the western world. It's simple, uncomplicated and has but one aim - to celebrate the birth of King Jesus. There's no pile of gifts, cupboards stocked high with food or endless parties. There's church, family and God, a simple coming together of God's people to celebrate the birth of a baby that will change the world.
This year we celebrated Macedonian Christmas with new friends, another part of God's family. A chance to chat, celebrate and getting to know each other knowing that we're united by a King!
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