

Those of you who know me well will know that I love stationary - I know, weird right? I just love how you can be creative with it, how it helps organize you and how you can personalise it. I love doodling and anything remotely creative and stationary is just one of those things that I've always been drawn towards. I collected rubbers as a kid and loved organisers such as FunFax. As I got older I've gone from FunFax to Filofax and have stumbled upon a community of people who understand my love of stationary and filofaxes.

Philofaxy is a community of Filofax lovers and I LOVE reading the posts, the web finds and the hints and tips. One of the posts I was reading mentioned that Home Sense has filofaxes in stock at the mo. Well Home Sense is literally at the bottom of my road and so today I took a wander down but without much hope cos previously they've never had many. I was in heaven! They had more filo's than WH Smiths or Rymans does in town and they were different ones, ones I've never seen in the flesh before. As I took them out of their boxes I could feel and smell the soft leather and found that I liked ones that I'd presumed that I wouldn't.

My favourites were the Chameleon and the Finchley. I'd have loved to have seen a Malden tho!

I was so proud of myself, much as the prices were great and they were all lush, I walked away. I couldn't justify the money or work out what I'd use it for if I were to get one. I currently use 2 A5 filofaxes, one as my diary and one as my journal. My journal needs a lot of work but I love my diary set up. I've debated for a long time using a Filofax as a wallet but have never taken the plunge.

While I was so good in walking away I have since failed and have spent the evening googling filofax wallet set ups finding mixed reviews. Oooo it's so tempting!
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