

I'm not one for really making new years resolutions but I've spent more time this year reflecting on 2012 and dreaming about 2013 both on my own and with the hubby than I have done before. I didn't set any resolutions but I did find that I had a word repeatedly floating round my head. I want to be intentional in 2013. To live intentionally in how I spend my time, money, who I invest in, the kind of conversations I have. In mentoring this is one of the buzz words used but really I'm not sure it should be limited to mentoring. I think intentionality is a way of life. Jesus was intentional in his life and his ministry, nothing happened by accident. The relationships he built, the disciples he invested in, his actions, words and behaviour all had a purpose. Ours should have too, with the aim to share the love of God with everyone we meet. It's easy for the days, weeks and months to slip by, the routine happens, the to-do list gets done but if we don't live intentionally we miss the purpose behind what we do. I want to be intentional in the way I manage my time so that life is more balanced, in the way I do relationships so that I see friends that are important to me and live further away and that I pray about who to intentionally mentor. But none of that matters if I'm not being intentional about my relationship with God. God has to come before everything else... So how intentionally are you living?
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